The Culver Studios is an American Independent Motion Picture and Television studio located in Culver City, California, which is located near Sony Studios. The iconic studio is considered a mini major by Hollywood standards, and has many owners and many names over the years since being founded in 1918. From Ince Studios of the silent era, to Lucille Ball and Read more...
Sony Pictures is a motion picture film and Television studio centered in the heart of Culver City, California. A small sized suburban area of Los Angeles. The legendary studio Produces major films as well as smaller Independent Films, Documentaries and Television shows, as well as foreign and domestic Distribution. Originally, it was owned by Columbia Pictures Entertainment, Inc., until the Read more...
Hollywood Locations is responsible for scouting film production sites for Motion Pictures and Television. The Location management company later launched Los Angeles Center Studios located in Downtown Los Angeles, California, to further their efforts within the Entertainment Industry. Filmmakers are able to utilize various locations, from large elaborate mansions, to venues, coffee shops, high-rise buildings, shopping malls, Union Station-Los Angeles, even the MTA Metro Rail. Read more...